Mastering the Cross Hand Chipping Technique: A Complete Guide

In the game of golf, the short game plays a crucial role in determining success on the course. Among the various short game techniques, cross hand chipping has gained popularity for its ability to provide precision and control around the greens. If you’re looking to elevate your chipping skills and improve your overall performance, this article is here to guide you through the ins and outs of mastering cross hand chipping.

Cross Hand Chipping Technique

Understanding Cross Hand Chipping

Cross hand chipping involves adopting a unique grip where the lead hand (left hand for right-handed golfers) is positioned below the trail hand (right hand for right-handed golfers). This grip offers several benefits, including enhanced stability, improved clubface control, and a more consistent strike. By utilizing cross hand chipping, you can achieve greater accuracy and control over your chips and pitches.

Proper Setup and Alignment

Before executing a successful cross hand chip, it’s essential to establish the correct setup and alignment. Begin by placing the lead hand lower on the grip and aligning it with the target. The trail hand should be positioned above the lead hand, creating a reverse overlap or interlocking grip. As for body positioning, ensure a relaxed and balanced stance with slightly more weight favoring the lead foot.

Swing Mechanics

The swing mechanics of cross hand chipping involve a compact and controlled motion. During the backswing, hinge your wrists and maintain a firm but relaxed grip pressure. As you transition into the downswing, focus on returning the clubface square to the target, leading with the lead hand. Avoid excessive wrist movement and aim for a clean contact with the ball, maintaining a descending strike for optimal consistency.

Shot Selection and Club Choice

To excel in cross hand chipping, it’s important to assess different shot scenarios and select the appropriate club. Factors such as distance to the target, desired trajectory, and green conditions should influence your club choice. Generally, lower-lofted clubs like pitching wedges and 9-irons are ideal for longer chips, while higher-lofted wedges offer more loft and precision for shorter chips requiring greater control.

Practicing Cross Hand Chipping

To develop proficiency in cross hand chipping, regular practice is crucial. Incorporate dedicated chipping drills and exercises into your training regimen. Set up various target scenarios and practice different chip lengths and trajectories. Additionally, leverage training aids such as alignment sticks and impact bags to refine your technique and reinforce consistent ball striking.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

As with any golf technique, cross hand chipping has its share of common mistakes. Some of these include excessive hand tension, improper grip placement, and an unbalanced stance. By being aware of these errors, you can actively work on avoiding them and refining your technique. Seek feedback from a golf professional or use video analysis to identify any areas of improvement.

On-Course Strategies and Application

Translating cross hand chipping skills from the practice area to the course requires strategic thinking. Adapt your approach based on course conditions, such as uphill, downhill, or sidehill lies. Understand the intricacies of the greens, including the speed and slope, to gauge the necessary club selection and shot execution. Develop a pre-shot routine and commit to your shot with confidence.

Fine-Tuning Your Cross Hand Chipping

Continuous improvement is the key to mastering cross hand chipping. Regularly assess your performance through self-assessment or seek guidance from a qualified golf instructor. Incremental refinements in grip pressure, clubface control, and swing tempo can significantly enhance your chipping proficiency. Embrace the learning process and maintain a growth mindset.


Mastering cross hand chipping opens up a world of precision and control in your short game. By understanding the grip, perfecting your setup, and focusing on sound swing mechanics, you can achieve remarkable results on the course. Remember to practice regularly, avoid common mistakes, and develop a strategic mindset for real-game scenarios. Embrace the challenge, enjoy the process, and watch your chipping skills soar to new heights with the cross hand technique.


Q : Is cross hand chipping suitable for all golfers?

A : Cross hand chipping can be beneficial for golfers of all skill levels. However, it’s important to experiment and find the technique that suits your game best. Seek guidance from a golf professional if you’re unsure.

Q : Can I switch to cross hand chipping if I’ve been using a different technique for years?

A : Yes, it’s possible to transition to cross hand chipping even if you’ve been using a different technique. Be patient and allow yourself time to adapt. Practice regularly and seek feedback to facilitate the adjustment process.

Q : Will cross hand chipping improve my overall short game performance?

A : Cross hand chipping can certainly enhance your short game performance, as it provides greater stability and control. However, it’s important to consider individual factors and preferences. Experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you.